Sunday, 6 April 2008

How to describe Beirut

How to describe Beirut
Beirut is a crazy city. It's full of chaos, noise. It's a very violent city. People die. Life goes on. It's no big deal. It's got great scenery but ugly architecture. Buildings crammed to more buildings and ugly bridges that look like giant snakes. Huge potholes in the middle of the highway. But it's a city that's alive. People are always stuck in a traffic jam smoking like crazy. Everyone keeping an eye out for their own little customized parking lot guarding it like a miser just in case some smart ass decides to plant his car there and leave. And there's a lot of billboards of women wearing lingerie and people in traffic jams always trying to sell you stuff.

1 comment:

kesg said...

Nada, This is blog is a lot of fun--you have all kinds of things. Keep posting. Love from Lafayette, Karen