My favorite scene involving Cobain is nothing anyone has said about him or has written about him. It's a short scene from a documentary entitled Teen Spirit: A Tribute to Kurt Cobain where a French journalist interviews Kurt in an accent so French it sounds like a parody of a French accent:
I: EEn Teen Speerit you seem to complain about the apatee of your generation. Is that right?
Kurt: Whatever you want to make out of it. It's your crossword puzzle.
I: And you share this lack of engagement? Being Apathetic?
Kurt: What being apathetic?
I: Yes.
Kurt: Yes.
I: Why?
Kurt: (in a mocking tone): Why?
Kurt: Because we sleep too much.
14 years after he shot himself, Cobain's music is still as vibrant as ever. In a recent documentary entitled Classic Albums: Smells Like Teen Spirit, Chris Novoselic says that Kurt always used to tell him it was the music that mattered. But he wrote better lyrics than most contemporary American poets writing today. Kurt combined Sylvia Plath darkness with Beatelesque melody to produce some of the greatest songs of the century.

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